Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Comedy of Errors - Attempted Day 1

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014   Attempted Day 1

You all thought I'd be in Merritt by now, didn't you? Not so!

I don't even know how to begin! I sit here on the couch, snuggled up in my fuzzy pink fleece pajamas warming up my chilly body after standing out on the driveway for the last hour trying to fix the lock on my caravan. But I'm okay, because I have a pleasant drink and a big bag of chips, Downton Abbey, and my dear hubby, the Framer, to share the unexpected extra evening at home with.

I began this day with great expectations. I had a hair appointment at 9:00 am, and I knew I could get a few things done before leaving, so the day began bright and early with a cup coffee, and my computer. The bills were the first item to knock off my 'Last Minute" list.

First Error in the Comedy:  A cheque that should have been deposited automatically today did not arrive in my account, causing an extra chunk of time figuring out my finances, since I will be away for so long.

Second Error:  As I was sitting there sorting out the books, a child called from the basement to tell me there was water everywhere.... Yes, I had heard water earlier, and I had even asked who was having such a long bath, but fool me never checked up on it. I ran downstairs to find the same problem as last year - water coming up out of the water tank. It wasn't just in one room. We have two hot water tanks, so it was flowing up and out of both! In two different ends of the house! Fun, fun, fun!

 A blockage somewhere, so the Framer had the lovely task of heading out to the septic to see what was up. What a good man he is!  Problem solved, but lots of water sopping to do first. Meanwhile, I escaped with two children to get my hair done, leaving the rest to clean up the disaster, and instructions that  I would be about two hours and to do anything they thought I might need done to get out the door by 4:00 pm.

Hair appointment done, I headed to the grocery store and decided to test the bank card that the bank had set up for me. It was some cross wiring they did in the account that would allow me to use the card in the States, because normally you can only use a chequing account on your debit. I wanted to use my "Wish Fund". Yes, you *must* have a Wish Fund if you ever wish to see your dreams come true! Trust and believe and deposit all those pennies and nickels you scrape and save. :)

Third Comedy:  I was denied as having insufficient funds. Off to the bank to sort out the mess, and the lady asked me for the denial receipt so she could confirm I was actually denied on the correct account. I should just mention that I was racing up and down, in and out of stores trying to get everything done, as my list seems to keep growing! So, I dashed back out to the car with the children trailing me, unlock the van, grab my receipt and head back across the parking lot, when Song suddenly informs me that my car is leaking. Leaking? I just paid nearly $3000 to get everything ship-shape for the road. Totally ignoring the fact that I am wearing my decent clothes, I crawl on my back under the van to inspect the leak. Sure enough, there is a puddle about 12" across under my van, and a steady leak coming from above. I thought it was the gas tank, but there was no odor to the liquid. "Get in the van!" I told the kids, paying no regard to the fact that the lady in the bank was standing there waiting for me to return with my receipt. Off we drove - to Kal Tire - our trusty mechanic who took care of us for years before we got our new trusty guy, and just another reason I love living in a small town:  I babbled off my concern to Al, the owner, and he called on good ole Dave who stopped what he was doing and headed out to my van to have a look. Wouldn't you know it - it was no problem. Simply the air conditioning something or other, since I had just had it repaired, and it was condensation. Problem solved!

Back to the bank where I rushed in and the women had a chuckle when they realized I had already been to the mechanic and had my vehicle issue seen to in the ten minutes I was gone from the bank. They could not resolve the card issue but intended to do all they could to help. It looked like it was simply a network problem, and would be taken care of shortly. I left the bank hoping I would be able to access my Wish Fund once I was on the road.

I hurried home to continue my list, hoping to get done before Isaiah got home from work about 4:00.

My helpers Ayana and Courage running oatmeal through the blender, so that we can have instant oatmeal on the trip. An inexpensive, quick, and healthy breakfast when you thrown in some nuts, coconut, and raisins!  

Comedy of Errors 4: One of my wonderful helpers took my Ninja bowl off the machine a little too quickly and broke off a large chunk of the underside!! ACK! This mother was not happy! A Ninja is a very special machine, saving me many, many dollars!! I have had Kitchen Aids break and other machinery, and to this day I mash my potatoes for an army by hand, since no machine can stand up to what this family can eat! We mix cookies by hand - 6 dozen at a go - with a good old fashioned wooden spoon. Who can afford to keep replacing kitchen appliances that don't stand up to wear and tear. But my Ninja - now that baby saved me money - it makes me butter by the pound weekly - and it cannot die! 

The Framer and Isaiah arrived home, and my ever so kind husband continued to help prepare us for the road. The running of the oven had to be taught to this Wanderlust Mum, who had no clue what to do with it, other than pack food to go in it! The water tank had to be filled, and baskets of food had to be brought to the wee, tiny fridge, which ended up being able to hold so much!

I was able to pack two gallons of fresh milk, so that is a good way to start the road trip, plus, all the meats we had prepared for the freezer.

Such a sweet picture.  Blizzard is supposed to be a livestock dog, but sadly, the Framer made a fuss of her one too many times, and she decided she was a people dog instead. The animals are so important to our lifestyle, that we are happy to report that she has decided she will do both jobs, and she faithfully tries to take care of the cows and brings them home from grazing at the end of many days, as well as loving on her people. 

One day, Israel asked me if he could have Blizzard as his dog; He would feed her and take care of her. I told him he could, and I have been rewarded with my choice. Such a small boy and a large dog - they make a wonderful team. I saw this sweet sight out the laundry-room window tonight, as I was about to walk out the door. Blizzard is supposed to be this dog that can take down a grizzly bear, and I am sure she can, but she is called a gentle giant for a reason, I suppose!

Suitcases Packed - All Ready to Leave

The Framer pulled the Silver Limousine and the Lady Jane around, after we hooked her up, and the kids piled in after hugs and kisses, and promises that Daddy would certainly join us in a few weeks. Otherwise, how could we go!!

After the children were all loaded, and I had said my goodbyes to my hubby, I suddenly thought I should lock the caravan door, so that there was no chance of it swinging open as we traveled.

Comedy of Errors - Uncountable Number - The door would not lock!!  I tried, and tried, but the dead-bolt was tight.  The Framer came over and did his very best. He patiently unscrewed it and applied grease to it, but it was not loosening. We could just lock it, but I could see the key breaking off in time with all the stress. 

He decided to try taking the deadbolt out of the backdoor to see if this would work, but at the same time he took the dead bolt out of the caravan again and tried a few other tricks. As you can see by the sky, it was getting later and later. Earlier, at 7:30, I had had a quiet word with some of the children, and asked them if they wanted to wait til morning, or if they wanted to go tonight, knowing how late it was. I was feeling that another night at home with the Framer would be nice, before we departed, but I knew they were anxious to get on the road.

I feel that God blessed us all by giving us a clear answer. By the time the caravan door was restored, I had already sent a few children off to bed with the promise we would be up bright and early, and would buy a new lock, and then be off on our journey. Within minutes of me saying this, the lock eased and was able to open and close nicely, but I felt our answer was in: One more night at home, a promise that Daddy would join us later in the trip, and then onto the road with a bright and early start tomorrow morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was quite the day!!!! I hope today is going much more smoothly : )


I'm delighted you chose to travel along with us. It is likely to be unpredictable, but I can guarantee it will be fun!! Please feel free to drop us a line to encourage us on our journey!