Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 39 Sunday - Another Restful Day and Then Off Into the Night

Day 39 - Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday is a day of rest at home, and here was no different. We slept in and our friends went to their church, which, of course, as Roman Catholics, is a bit different to ours. My children practiced their piano for a couple hours each, did plenty of catch-up on their theory, wrote in their journals, and then played quietly. Mr. B. had a life-saving surgery in April and rest is of the utmost importance to him. We are so very thankful that given this huge operation we were still able to visit our friends. The rest was good for us, and I was happy to get a little writing done while the kids did their obligations. 

Me Writing and Israel Practicing Piano

Ayana Helping Israel With His Theory

After this it was a delicious barbecued chicken dinner and then off to watch Alex play hockey with his team. Our boys love hockey so this was especially great! Back to the house, and Andrew - my boy’s twin - showed up after putting in many hours on his railroad job. He strode in with the words, “Hello Stranger!” and a great warm hug. It was so wonderful to have been able to touch base him and the rest of the children I had known when they were younger. They have all turned out to be such fine young people, and I am glad my younger set has had a chance to connect with them. I remember when Alex was just a wee babe of 5 months, and he was dressed in a white sweater and little white winter hat, and we went to see the Nutcracker for a Christmas production. My big boys were just eight, six, and one. Now he is a strapping young man of seventeen! Time sure does fly!  

We figured out my driving plan, and it was decided - by me - that I would leave tonight rather than wait until five o’clock in the morning. I knew that if I sat up and visited and then went to bed, only to rise so early, I would be groggy. If, on the other hand, I got on the road tonight, I would be charged with adrenaline, so I decided to do this. It was no easier, though, to say good-bye, knowing I would not likely see this dear friend again for many years, if ever, since we live so many provinces apart. 

Renee, Me and Map Quest

Part of the Two Gangs

Mr. A and Mr. I

Miss A, Mr. A (My son's twin), Mr. A, and Mr. I

Hugs good-bye, and we were on the road. I have to say I am proud of my caravanning abilities. They are growing. We arrived home from the hockey game in the dark, and I had to manipulate a circular driveway with very low lighting. I then had to back up the van and hook it up to the caravan - and I did. With about three maneuvers!

My first stop - knowing it was late and I needed my batteries charged - was Tim Horton’s. I knew there were two before I hit the 400, so I was prepared. Not knowing which would give me what I needed, I decided to order a cafe-mocha *and* an ice cap. A dozen doughnuts was thrown on top for good measure. Plenty of sugar and an abundance of caffeine. We should be good to go!

Cafe Mocha and Ice Cap

Once we were out of town the traffic was non-existent!

And we were. We successfully drove til just before 3:00 am, and then we found ourselves a parking spot in the Walmart, Canadian Tire, Dollar Store mall. Snug up behind a dumpster. There were no other RVs there, so I tried to be discreet. A quick bathroom break and then off to dream-land it was! We were only thirty minutes away from our destination for the next day, and I was happy. I had beaten the traffic!

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