Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Art Museums, Scavenger Hunts, Swimming - in Pennsylvania - Day 15

Day 15 - September 4, 2014 Thursday

I did a little writing this morning while the children were still sleeping. It turned out that the oven makes a good desk. I just drop open the door and rest my computer right on it and the plug is right beside it, so it’s great.

Before the day really began, though, Denise came out and told me that the incredibly friendly Jim, friend of Mike and Mary’s, was coming to take my van at 9:30 into the shop for a scan. He knew other mechanics, and he worked a deal with someone to run my van through the shop with basically no notice. It helps to know someone! Because of this I could not go to Hershey as planned today, so we decided to hang around, let the children play, and then go to a pottery studio that Mary, Michael’s wife is involved in, and the onto another sister’s house for the children to swim with Denise’s niece, Hayden.

An hour or so later, after Jim had gone and come back with my van, he told me it was something to do with the solenoids, and since he knew I could not stop in Waynesboro, unless it was critical, due to a surprise for the kids in New York, he said to continue as I was - managing the gears carefully. So that we will do!

The rest of our day was nice and relaxing. The art studios in town had set up a scavenger hunt for children, and so I took the boys and Denise’s sister took the girls, and the boys went to the art studio and the girls went swimming. We joined them later. The boys had a ball learning about all kinds of art, and hunting down different pieces. It was one of those unexpected, unplanned field trips, and I am glad we did it! And I acquired a beautiful pottery cup.

A Leap of Blind Faith

You know that in my life there is no end to the drama, so when I heard the following information, I was not terribly shocked. According to reports the ISIS terrorist group has made threats about an attack on the United States on September 11, of this year. A few people I was among discussed the risk factor, is this really likely to happen, what do people thing, where would this likely take place if it happened, etc. The consensus from reading and listening was that it was Washington, DC, or New York City. Maybe? Who knows!

I happen to be going to be in Washington, tomorrow, September 5th, and then New York City from September 7-10th. A little close for comfort! My future plans involve heading further east to Boston and Massachusetts. I am thinking these plans through to see what I feel is the wisest decision regarding this situation in light of these threats that are being made. I will definitely be praying for clear thinking and wisdom with regard to this. 

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