Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 32 - Murphy's Cove, Nova Scotia - Woodstock, New Brunswick

Day 32 Murphys Cove, NS - Woodstock, NB  Sunday, September 21, 2014  

It was with regret that I left Murphy’s Cove. I knew there was no prolonging the inevitable - I had to go. I didn’t live in the vicinity, and there was no likely chance of returning, and I did have to move on - so I might as well do it sooner than later. 

We left a long comment in the guest book that resembled my aunt and uncles at the Mad Hatter - a book that spoke of true memories made over campfires and dinner in the restaurant. For us, it was memories made in a fishing boat in a cove in Nova Scotia. A boat filled with kind-hearted souls - people that blessed my children and I with the opportunity to see the coastal areas of the Maritimes from a little fishing tug, and the chance to cast a rod into crystal clear waters and bring up an abundance of fish in just a few minutes! Something only memories are made of!


The night before finished with a bang when three of my lovely children locked the keys to the van in the vehicle. I didn’t tell them I had BCAA coverage and could call the tow truck if I really needed to. I let them sweat a little and see if they could figure out the solution to the problem their carelessness had caused. Wicked mother, I know. 

It wasn’t long before I heard the sound of keys jingling, as a proud teenager dropped them on the table, saying, “We got the keys.” It turned out they had opened the window a little bit, but when I heard they were jimmying around with it, I got a little nervous, picturing a broken pane, so told them to STOP, and I would take care of the problem the next day. Minutes later, the keys were delivered. Problem solved. 

The little actor! He snuck his big brother's precious hat because he knew big brother was occupied. And then he pretended to be asleep, so that when big brother came in he would not be pleased to see his hat worn by a little rug-rat. Scamp!

Love the Morning Sun

A Little One Casting Off Some Rocks 

Our Campsite in This Amazing Camp Ground

Journal Writer Courage Keeping Up His Notes

Just Me Gassing Up From a Super Big Tank!

A Little Comfort Food - Chips and Pop
If you notice, we are back to tank tops and flip flops!!

The Amazing Colours of Fall

Here we were again, on the road. This time heading sort of homeward. It was towards Quebec we were driving, but I knew we would not make it in one day. I love those unexpected stops, and as we drove through the beautiful fall countryside, I saw a sign advertising the town of Hartford as the home of the Largest Axe in the World. I am not one to miss something interesting, so off the exit I went! 

It was rather creative and of course, the dramatic boys had to pretend they were chopped in pieces by lying under the edge of the blade. 

The Three Musketeers

Isaiah's Feet

Israel's Dramatic Head

Courage's Feet

We headed back onto the road and as I sat by the side of the interstate, two large semis came up behind me. I do not like to share the road with my big brothers, as I call them, so I sat to the side and waited for them to pass. They gave me a warm fuzzy, as they both switched lanes, giving me a wide berth, as they obviously recognized my trepidation, and then once they had passed me, they moved back into my lane. I love kindness on the road because when I drive I always allow others into a lane, or pull back if someone can't get through, and I just love those times when the big semi's flash their lights to acknowledge when you have pulled over to let them pass. 

We didn’t know where we would be stopping the night, so we kept driving, looking for a campsite, but when that did not materialize we decided to drop in at our favourite ‘other’ camp-ground: Walmart. We had a lovely sunset, got invited to drinks with one of the big guys (which we quickly turned down), and the children enjoyed a little scootering on the one unbroken scooter while Courage and I got dinner. Another successful day!

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