Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 21 - NYC - One Last Day

Day 21 - Wednesday, September 10, 2014 

Today was the day the mechanic was to fix our van. He had told me it would take two days for the transmission to arrive and then he would get on it. God was surely with us, because when we arrived in New York, I left my van in Allentown, Pennsylvania, at the mercy of an unknown garage. Each and every step of that dilemma had worked itself out. The only part I did not know how to handle was where to fix the van. In New Jersey with an unknown mechanic or in Pennsylvania with an unknown mechanic! 

When the big boss arrived at the garage and overheard our workings as we tried to work out all the bumps, without looking at me, he gruffly said he could call his mechanic. He did and that is how the decision was made for me. I would have to take my chances on being ripped off, but I believed God had my back. So far, as each situation arose, the answer came either right away, or shortly after, and I knew that even if the situation was corrupt, that God would work it out for the good. This was Sunday.

Monday morning, bright and early, I got a phone call from the garage. It was the mechanic giving me my options. A rebuilt transmission which he did not recommend because the warranty was only for a year and we were not living in the area, or a fully guaranteed new transmission from GM. The price difference was about six hundred dollars, so I went with what felt like the more sensible option. He would put in the order and it would arrive in 2-3 days, and he would begin right after that. He knew that we were meant to be pulling out of New Jersey on the 10th. 

The Framer had already known he would have to cancel his flight because when the van was ready I did not want to go back to Allentown to get it. He would then take the next available flight from the most convenient location when we knew what was happening. Wednesday we got a call stating the van was ready! The mechanic worked a miracle!! 

Meanwhile, I was booked out of my camping spot because it was already booked for the next person. We had to get pulled out of the site and taken to the dry camping area. The Framer found a person that would do it for us, and in no time we were repositioned in our site. I like the new one better. Instead of having motorhomes side by side, we have a wide open gravel lot with a number of boats, and a few smaller motorhomes. We have room to fall out of our trailer, since not everything fits inside due to the van not being here! 

While the Framer spent time figuring out his flight information after lunch, I took Isaiah for a walk in our New Jersey neighbourhood. We wound our way through the streets and ended up having lunch at a little Italian Trattoria. I love to talk to people, so the general manager, Jimmy, third generation Italian, and I began talking.

When I was ready to order our lunch, I asked him if he served red wine, because it felt that a pizza in ‘Italy’ needed the red wine, and he asked me if I was from New Jersey, and I said no. He told me that liquor licenses are so expensive that now it is ‘byob’ or they will call up a liquor store and the store will deliver. Wow! Interesting. Well, we got to chatting about Italy, and before you know it, he told me that he could not sell wine, but he would like to give me a glass on the house. Off he went, returning with a glass of red wine made by his brother. Hospitality at it’s finest! 

After my lovely respite lunch with a nearly grown son, and no small children, it was time to be off to find a bank machine to pay for the van. The owner, having been duped once before, did not want a mastercard payment. He wanted cash. I did some swift maneuvering, some calling to our bank, and played some cash games, and then it was time to hit the ATMs. Some gave $120 and charged $2.50, and others gave $200. All not too great!! Then I hit the motherload yesterday. ;)  I found an ATM that gave $500 and did not charge a fee, but that was after I had made about three go out of service due to my messing with them! Ziploc bags full of $3400 cash and the Framer set off in his taxi. Another few hundred dollars, but what can you do! 

The Grove Street neighbourhood was so nice with it’s trees and old buildings and little restaurants tucked under the brownstones! I wished we had more time to just be locals! Once we got back to the caravan, it was time for the Framer to be off. It was 6:30 and his cab was here. He left and the kids and I did a little clean-up. 

Then Isaiah asked me if we could go into the city one more time. I have to tell you, this is one easy area to get around in. We grabbed our sweaters, purse, and shoes and set off at a fine clip. Into the Metro station, onto the train, and then off at 33rd street PATH, a turn here, a turn there, a word with a vendor about dinner, and then off to a shop for souvenirs. We truly felt like locals. It was that easy!! I would recommend New York City to anyone! 

Once the souvenirs were bought, we stopped at the vendor, bought some dinner, packed it up to go home, and set off for the Metro. We were home by 10:30, had dinner, and then about 11:30, the Framer arrived with my van. 

A Cute Nigerian-American Baby

Remarkable Scenery On Our Walk Home

Tomorrow is still a question mark. We do not want to go into the City, but rather likely move on, so we are looking at our options. I am supposed to be in Plymouth tomorrow, so in the morning we shall decide, and we will have to find an airport for the Framer to fly out of. Right now, he is trying to see if he can get reimbursed for his cancelled flight, or if he will have to pay full outright again. If he does, then we will likely take him to Boston for a flight home, because at least that way he can have a small advantage to the extra cost. 

Home Sweet Home (in the dry storage of Liberty RV, but who's complaining!)

Go Wash Those Filthy Feet Before You Climb in That Bed!


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