Lady Jane

Lady Jane

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 26 - Saint John - Murray Corner, NB (a little piece of PEI)

Day 26 - September 15, 2014 - Saint John - Murray Corner, New Brunswick

I thought about sleeping in this morning, but at 7:00 AM when I woke up, I decided we might as well keep going, since we had no idea what the roads would be like, or  how far we had to go, plus, I had plans for the day, and I was tired of always being a little behind. 

After a quick bathroom break, we headed over the road to the grocery store, stocked up on fresh supplies: meats, veggies, and fruits, since now we were not crossing any borders, and then repacked the cooler. We found the fridge warm this morning, and I am not sure why, so we had to toss the fresh chicken breasts, as I couldn’t take any chances. Courage had put it on propane the night before, and Ayana says she saw the blue flame, so I hope we don’t have any problems. For the day we kept all in the cooler, and we will find out tonight if the electric works. 

Me and My Big Bros

Tim Hortons was to be my next stop, and my faithful, Courage crossed the road to get me my much-desired drink. 

It took a while to get on track, but it seemed that the GPS has woken up and realized it was in New Brunswick. With the help of a few kind people we were on our way to Alma. I had chosen this village as it was a village, and I didn’t know how many I would see. Silly me. Apparently, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island are made up out of seaside villages. All the same, we headed for the coast and passed through this small village. Not much to look at but it did get us near the coast. 

 Colourful Lobster Traps

We then headed for Cape Enrage, a small lighthouse that had its last lightkeeper retire in 1988. It was moved twice due to erosion, before it found it’s final resting place. It was called Cape Enrage due to the turbulent waves that hit the cliffs. The beach is full of fossils, and the rocks are quite beautiful. We were tempted to bring home a few very large flat ones as they were big enough to make tabletops from!

 Looking Pretty Bad - Need a Shower!!

First Dip in Atlantic Canada - New Brunswick

After writing the kids' names, Courage told me he was writing Jesus because He was with us the whole time. How true!

I was trying to have an early day, so my plan was to stop in Hopewell Rocks for the night.  I took a turn into Ponderosa Pines, and since noone was at the office, I drove through to see if this was where we would spend the night. It was only 2:00 pm, and we were heading to the Rocks right after this, so I knew we could have a nice early finish to our day. 

My mistake the back roads. It turned out I was on a one way road to someone’s house. yes, there were sites along the way, but probably more for tents or small motorhomes. At one point after sending the boys running ahead of me to verify I had no hope getting out by going forward, I realized I would have to turn around. The kids moved the firepit and picnic tables and with great maneuvering I managed to turn around. I am getting quite pleased at my progress at working in tight spots! I have tried very hard to travel faced-forward across America, but there have been a few times when I have had to back up, and I have survived! 

The Hopewell Rocks were very unique. The Flower Pot Rocks are obviously formed by the tide. This is the spot of the highest tide (in the world? in North America? Can’t remember), and when the tide goes out one can walk on the ocean floor because it is then below sea level! 

Cutting It Close!

The children fun climbing in the holes and on the rocks. Because we arrived only 30 minutes before the tide came in we did not see the lowest tide, but they did walk on the ocean floor. 

Ayana decided to buy herself an Anne of Green Gables doll at the gift-shop, and I bought one for Song as a present. As I explained to Ayana, a doll of that nature, will become a keepsake, as if she has a daughter, that girl is sure to read Anne of Green Gables, and will enjoy seeing the doll her mother got when she was a girl visiting Prince Edward Island. 

I found the drive through New Brunswick not the prettiest. It was an interesting area, but not what I envisioned for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Once we reached Murray Corner, an area that had a provincial campground, the landscape changed dramatically. Suddenly it appeared like I remembered from watching Anne of Green Gables. 

With a little help from a man that just happened to turn down the country road that we were lost on, we managed to find our way to Murray Corner. It was well worth the extra drive! The campsite cost only $35 for the night, had full hook-ups, and was right on the ocean! 


As Good As Any Place to Turn Around! A Logging Yard

 And the Good Samaritan that happened to turn down the road just when I had no clue where to drive!

Courage said to me, "Look at all the horses huddled under the trees." 

Needing help, I pulled over by this 'church'. It was actually a house that obviously had once been a church! Very cool!

Our First View of Our Campsite in New Brunswick - Murray Corner

Sunset From Our Caravan

Looking out my caravan door at the lone trailer down the meadow and seeing the campfire lit beside it, gave me the vision of a covered wagon on an endless prairie. It was something to see! I would like more time here, but sadly, we must move on tomorrow due to a date I have planned in Charlottetown.

We set up camp, Courage and Israel set up the campfire, and Song and Ayana helped get the items for a hotdog/bubble and squeak dinner. 

It was freezing cold by now, but we huddled around the fire with our blankets and hats and food and enjoyed the sunset that can only be imagined. Isaiah bundled up in his dad’s forgotten fleece pajama bottoms and long socks, since he had only packed himself summer clothes - silly boy! He then added the souvenir hat and he was a picture to behold!  


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